Friday, July 4, 2008

Daddy's Toe !!

Matt was helping his dad move a water heater on Wednesday and as you can see didn't go so well. When they lifted the box out of the truck it fell and crushed his big toe! We got it checked out and it's not broken just VERY bruised and swollen. Poor guys he is in a lot of pain! He had to go to work the next day in a shirt and tie, dress slacks and flip flops! It was so swollen he couldn't wear a shoe! This picture is two days later and it looks a whole lot better now! Maliya has been very concerned about her dad. She even limps around the house with him. We just keep it iced and elevated and pray that no body bumps it!

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Mommy and Me

Mommy and Me
We spent some time up in UT this summer.This is us at the park by the cabin in Provo. It was such a beautiful day notice the light jacket in June!! It's been nice to spend some one on one time with Maliya before the baby comes.